Do you understand? What awaits the schoolboy who staged a stabbing at a tourist rally in Kolomna

Posting in CHAT: Russia

What will the drama that unfolded in Kolomna become for its participants? Let us remind you that the other day, during a hike, a fifth-grader stabbed a seventh-grader with a knife. Like, he teased him about his long hair. The criminal ended up in intensive care. I didn’t like the hairstyle. According to media reports, the conflict between the guys occurred during a tourist trip to one of the children’s creative centers. “A seventh-grader kept teasing my son because of his long hair,” the woman shared with journalists from the SHOT Telegram channel. “Apparently this made him angry.” On that fateful evening, a fight broke out between schoolchildren. The teacher, of course, told the children to disperse, but the fifth-grader, according to law enforcement, met the enemy and stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. After this, the criminal was hospitalized in intensive care, where he required a blood transfusion. “I think the guy was pushed, although I don’t condone what he did. Horrible! The kids have gone completely crazy.” — people share their opinions on the Internet. Parents will be punished. Meanwhile, the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region reported that a criminal case had been opened regarding this fact (clause “b, h” of Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). – Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. During the investigation, the Kolomna city prosecutor’s office will determine the circumstances of the incident. Lawyer Dmitry Kvasha explained what liability the boy could face. His parents will mainly pay, because the child has not yet reached the age of criminal responsibility. “But, of course, the boy will be registered, and the parents will be subject to special control. If it is proven that they did not pay attention to upbringing, the guardianship authorities may initiate proceedings for deprivation of parental rights,” says the lawyer. It is known that a child grows up in a complete family and is characterized positively. In this regard, most likely, parents may be required to pay a fine. It is a completely different matter if the family of the injured boy decides to seek compensation from them. “The child’s parents can demand a claim for material and moral compensation,” shares Kvasha. Adults, be careful! This is not the first case of “armed clashes” between schoolchildren. So, in March in Ramenskoye, near a school, a teenager hit a classmate in the right side with a folding knife. Recently in Balashikha, a 17-year-old teenager attacked his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend with a machete. A year ago, in Novokosino, Moscow Region, during recess, a schoolboy broke the skull of a classmate. Therefore, the story with schoolchildren from Kolomna did not surprise child psychologist Irina Taranova. “Children today have higher levels of stress than they did twenty or thirty years ago. The psyche simply cannot cope with this,” explains the specialist. “The second reason is a false sense of permission, lack of understanding of the consequences and impunity.” The third reason is widespread bullying. Nobody wants to be a victim, the child begins to defend himself. “In the case of the story in Kolomna, this may not be the first time a boy has shown aggression. Adults should have noticed that he needed help,” says the psychologist.

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