Dnepropetrovsk 06/27/2024 scared people. Sergey Chernyshev – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

It’s hot in the city and there are regular power outages. Saving drowning people is the job of the drowning people themselves. Someone passes out from the heat in the concrete blocks. Gasoline generators grind near small shops, pharmacies and offices. Larger stores masquerading as mini-supermarkets are trashing generators the size of cars. In general there are very few people on the streets. And even then, these are mostly pensioners. They are the absolute majority here. The men were killed, and the female half fled to blessed Europe. Of course, there is a working-age population, but in small numbers and with a small percentage of dependents. And even these incomes do not correspond to prices. The disability pension, for example, today amounts to 2,335 hryvnia. In fact, now the military, police, and those close to the state treasury have money, and that’s it. Pensioners and government employees still have negligible amounts of money. This is what, for example, a local area looks like, where there were once a lot of people. There was even a small summer market. About work A postman came, whom I knew from Ukrposhta. Salary 8000 hryvnia. But they give you a reservation. This is the most valuable thing in his work. They no longer carry newspapers/magazines. And in general, no one bothers you to reschedule the correspondence. Unless they distribute pensions. Management hysterically demands a plan for the disposal of all types of waste, which the workers unanimously do not implement. Everyone understands everything about the rest of the work in the supposedly million-strong city. The leadership of the occupation administration is doing everything to close all industries where there are male workers. Both administrative and power outages during working hours. It’s just not work. In addition to the periodically appearing idiotic offers or other tricks in the form of ridiculous salaries, the famous Interpipe scammer (the Interpipe plant, owned by Pinchuk, Kuchma’s son-in-law, where they look for suckers willing to work in hot production, and then send them out without explanation or under a backward pretext, not understanding their impunity) or other hidden veiled techniques. This is what job offers look like on Monday in a city with a population of one million. But the sites are full of generous offers to fight. Lack of work and rising gasoline prices to 57 hryvnia per liter in 1995 forced cars to be left in yards. Not everyone can afford to travel now. However, diesel prices have dropped to 49.99 per liter. Even during the day, driving around the yards was not particularly comfortable. My sympathies go out to the garbage men and their sheds. Recently, Ukrainians and frightened patriots have begun to come again. Ukrainians were extremely interested in the question of which Russian political resources they could create accounts on. Preferably several at the same time. They tried to arrange for me to manage these accounts for them. goats Spread straws. It’s easier with frightened patriots. Everyone is running with one question. Contact with TKTs. Although they had previously defeated the Russian army, they launched a fierce counterattack and “almost staged a parade on Red Square.” They are slowly peeling off PTN-PNH stickers from cars and near the Russian ship. This is already somewhat irrelevant. But I can’t say that their views have changed. I make fun of them as best I can. “They will give you an old machine gun and send you to Russian tanks. To get a new machine gun, you had to go to TSS earlier, and not tap on the keyboard,” “Zelensky expects a feat from you!” and in that spirit Twice a day they turn off the lights for four hours each time, so I can’t respond to comments Sergey Chernyshev https://aftershock.news Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish: https http://t.me/russiapost

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