Distribution of personal items continued at Crocus City Hall – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

March 25, 2024, 15:33 Crocus Town Hall continues to receive items left during the evacuation Read 360 TV in Crocus Town Hall continues to distribute personal items left by spectators during the terrorist attack. “360” has a video from the scene at its disposal. People come for the items they left in their wardrobes during the evacuation during the terrorist attack. A separate space was organized for this, and a corresponding sign was installed at the entrance. The flow of people wanting to pick up their belongings does not stop. All property was distributed in bags; the opportunity to pick up personal property was announced on Sunday, March 24. As reported by the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia, for this you can come to the fifth and second halls of the pavilion, which is located on Mezhdunarodnaya Street, 18 in Krasnogorsk, reported the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Russia. The population of Moscow began to receive the first compensation as a result of the terrorist attack. We are talking about a one-time benefit Authors: Alexander Ivanov Shooting at Crocus City Hall

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