Some details of the criminal case brought against the head of the Togliatti Road Department Pavel Banov have become known. He is suspected of abuse of power. Let us recall that Pavel Banov was arrested on July 17, 2024. Earlier, during the inspection, the prosecutor’s office found that the head of the department had unreasonably limited competition and created preferences for one of the participants in the tender for a contract for road repairs. As a result, the municipality entered into an agreement with a company that was not actually able to win the tender. As sources told Volga Novosti this week, the criminal case is related to a conspiracy with representatives of Makanton LLC. “According to the investigation, Banov had the opportunity to illegally focus on concluding the most profitable contracts for road repairs. This was revealed during the inspection of the implementation of the national project “Safe and High-Quality Roads,” he said. According to Seldon.Basis, the director of Makanton LLC is Maxim Gavrilov 0842300004024000238. “The contractor undertakes to perform work on the repair of public roads of local importance in the urban district of Tolyatti (repair. maps”) in accordance with the technical specifications,” the contract materials say. Among other things, in 2024 the company entered into contracts with the administration of the Stavropol district of the Samara region. The co-owners of Makanton LLC (according to Seldon.Basis) are Maxim, Anton and Gennady, as well as Nadezhda Yagodina Gavrilova are co-owners of two more organizations – Mang LLC and Akam LLC (the type of activity of both is leasing and management of own or leased property. Officially, the net profit (). according to Seldon.Basis) of Makanton LLC in 2023 showed more than 34 million rubles. (income amounted to more than 271 million rubles). Recently, the head of Tolyatti, Nikolai Rentz, expressed gratitude to Makanton LLC. He said that the company, together with Avtodorinzhenering LLC and a number of others, helped to extinguish the fire at the landfill.
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