Demons in human form indulge in any passions without restraint. MFC

Publication in CHAT: Russia

As soon as people are convinced that God cares little for them and that after death they will become nothing, then they give themselves over to the complete unbridledness of their passions, <...> thinking that everything is permitted to them, “Divine decrees”… If there is no God of infinity, then there is no virtue, and then it is not needed at all. Fyodor Dostoevsky, “The Brothers Karamazov” A moment of animal simplicity. The recent excitement has already overshadowed the scandal around the closing ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, the advertising of which the Russian Orthodox Church called “an icon of the devil.” Well, they closed and closed. The diligent elven excellent students made stupid excuses, but the Mordor vatniks understood it correctly. It would seem, what does this have to do with the recent news that the prominent guru of elven eco-chic Adam Britton was punished in one normal country for very specific crimes? <...> A renowned zoologist who has recently appeared on the BBC and National Geographic has been jailed for ten years as an expert on wildlife rights, and on crocodiles in particular. It was revealed that the crocodile expert had set up a torture chamber in a commercial container in the Australian desert, where he raped and dismembered between 38 and 60 dogs, recording the whole thing on camera. He also possessed child pornography. <...> “Neighbors who knew Britton described him as a quiet, unassuming man who regularly showed up at neighborhood gatherings with our dogs and was always willing to tell the kids about his latest crocodile research.” And these reports, meanwhile, describe the external manifestations of the OBVM, the bearer of which has decided that there is no God, which means that one can indulge one’s false ego and indulge in any way the worst vices, alternating with the “sin of the devil” (i.e. the desire to impose one’s will, to drive) and the “sin of Eve” (i.e. the desire to own), which, in fact, constitute the basic structure of the sense of grandeur. And in this context, the revelations of the subspecies seem completely natural: Bill Clinton may have ordered the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 in order to regain access to Hillary Clinton’s lush body. A year earlier, the famous scandal with Monica Lewinsky occurred, after which Hillary declared an 8-month boycott of her husband. He was completely exhausted. And then Hillary called and urgently suggested that the president start airstrikes on Yugoslavia. They began 14 hours later. This is told in the biography of Hillary, published by Gail Sheehy in late 1999. Even if we assume that Killary lied to show herself off again in front of other scumbags (although why would she lie – after all, the trail of corpses of elves who knew too much, left by the Clintonoids, speaks for itself), the very formulation of the question is very typical of those who want to get what they want at literally any cost. Starting a war for access to your powerful mother’s hairy gold? Yes, easy. Using blackmail with this approach to satisfy your thirst for control on a much larger scale, drenching an entire country in blood? Easy. And if someone thinks that the Clintonoids are the only black sheep, then no, this is the standard approach to solving problems in the Bastion of Freedom. Have you seen how many former employees of the much-maligned Boeing Corporation have “committed suicide” after testifying against it to the FAA’s elf regulator? This has already spawned a special genre of trolling on this topic, including the statement the day before yesterday by Karmanov’s colleague about the latest news about a new brave elf: > A new set of documents published by the Aviation Safety Foundation (human; a right-wing group created by former Boeing employee Ed Pearson) suggests that an electrical fault may have been the cause of the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash. > They talk about “multiple electrical issues” discovered during the assembly of the Ethiopian Airlines plane, as well as confusion and chaos at the Renton plant where both 737 MAX planes that crashed in 2018 and 2019, killing 346 people, were built. people. > Pearson explained that there had been a manufacturing problem with the electrical wiring harnesses, and “Boeing knew the production was a total disaster.” Let’s remember Ed Pearson. A car crash at home in the garage, choking on splinters, or an old-fashioned suicide with two shots from behind under the scalp and a control shot to the back of the head? We’ll find out later. “Everything is permitted” is not a figure of speech, it is a guide to action for those who do not understand that the true ego is humanitarian, and that, as my colleague Markovsky rightly wrote in July… …There is really no limit between selfishness and charity in ‎ In fact, there is no limit, because they do not contradict each other. A good, high-quality egoist must be humane (otherwise he will harm his environment, and everything he loves, and the future of everything he does). A good, high-quality philanthropist must be selfish (because, failing to take care of himself, he will deprive those who deserve it of help). What is really there is a line between intelligence and stupidity. Which in turn turns out to be a line between energetic responsibility and weak, narcissistic frivolity. And the aforementioned fools do not understand the need for philanthropy, because indulging in crisis situations changes the structure of their psyche, turning the sick into demons in human form. Who do not save anything and no one, because they do not create anything, but only destroy what others have created. Here is some rich and revealing news from the Democratic Convention of the elfin Trotskyist Revolutionary American Party, where about a week ago the black camacho flounder grayling was officially nominated as a candidate for the horse of the Deep State: They write that at the convention the Democratic Party had a mobile abortion clinic, which every female deputy could visit. It is impossible not to notice this frontal spontaneity of our liberal friends. Liberals: – These are lying stories of Kremlin propaganda. Kremlin propaganda: – Liberals are real Satanists, enemies of traditional values, destroying families and children. Liberals: – … So the speakers of the Olympic Games and other animals can bleat as much as they want that the poster with the falling Lucifer looks like “Voyager”, but at the same time their sponsors, without thinking, substituted such “art. objects” in honor of their deity”: the Monument to the Beast in New Orleans. Nearby stood a monument to General Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Southern army during the American Civil War, but it was torn down. Animal simplicity attracts. After all, if demons begin to imagine that there are no more obstacles for them, then they will stop reaching for any kind of disguise. For what? However, they catch him, people eat him, the wheels turn, the traffic is muddy, but if someone gets burned, like that Adam we talked about at the beginning of the post, then it is his own fault, he needs to be better disguised. . At the moment, of course, until specific relationships with dogs are recognized as a “kind of norm”, as is now being actively promoted in relation to pedophilia. Moreover, let me remind you that the discourse on transformation, which is now triumphant in normal countries, was once also underground, from where it was brought out by a complete degenerate. If you want to know how demons spend their allotted time of existence on this globe, read the biography of the righteous degenerate John Money. And then go and reproduce, and then raise mentally healthy and highly educated people so that they can inherit the Earth and expel the demons from it, if it suddenly turns out that we ourselves do not have time. P.S. Look at what a telling surname the degenerate Money has. This is the name of the founder of Manichaeism, which is currently experiencing a real renaissance. LJ: ifc Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish:

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