Deadly listeriosis outbreak starts in US, then Canada – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In the United States of America (USA), following Canada, an outbreak of listeriosis has been declared, which has already affected 12 states. This was reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The agency is collecting data to identify the food source of the infection. It is noted that 28 people have already been hospitalized. Cases of infection have been registered, in particular, in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts. According to the CDC, Americans are most often infected from tender pieces of meat. One of the patients was infected during pregnancy, but was able to keep the fetus after recovery. The center indicated that two deaths have already been recorded in different states. The CDC also believes that the true number of cases is higher, and the outbreak may not be limited to 12 states, it is a bacterial infection. As a rule, it multiplies in vegetables and animal products, adapting to changes in temperature. Bacteria affect the central nervous system, which can cause meningitis and encephalitis, and can also lead to the death of the patient. Pregnant women, newborns, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to the disease. A 30-year-old man in Moscow died from poisoning from a delivery fish roll. According to preliminary examination results, the cause of death was listeriosis. Vechernyaya Moskva discussed with infectious disease specialist Elena Meskina how dangerous this infectious disease is, whether it can be fatal, and who is at risk. Since 2021, an unknown disease has been spreading in Canada, which occurs with pronounced neurological symptoms, including increasing ones. salivation and hallucinations, as if insects are crawling on the skin. Vechernyaya Moskva discussed with experts what disease such signs may indicate and how dangerous this disease is. In turn, Roskontrol explained how to avoid getting acute infectious diseases – salmonellosis and listeriosis.

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