Day of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Fedot Ovsyanik’s Day, what can and cannot be done, signs for the weather, traditions – May 31, 2024 – Russia today

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Source: Semyon Gromov, Nadezhda Alexandrova In the Orthodox calendar, May 31, 2024 is the day of remembrance of St. Theodotus of Ancyra and the holy fathers of the seven Ecumenical Councils. In folklore, this is the day of Fedot Ovsyanik. People believed that during this holiday one could find a soul mate for life. We’ll tell you what other signs and traditions there are on this day. Do’s and Don’ts In the old days, on May 31, people sowed oats and flax, and healers collected preparations from oak branches and young leaves. For lunch, dishes were usually prepared from cereals and flour: various porridges, pastries, buns and cakes. On the day of Oatmeal, no new business began. To make your plans come true, it is better to choose another date. It was considered a bad omen to drink oatmeal jelly and sit under an aspen tree on this day. And unmarried girls should stay home alone at this time. The ancestors believed that in this case the woman risks being left alone forever. You cannot give the keys to the house to strangers who do not live in this house. This may lead to an unexpected step. You will place your entire destiny in the hands of a stranger. It was even forbidden to tear oak leaves or break oak branches – this could cause problems. In addition, on the day of Oats, lavish feasts were not held, so as not to attract misfortune to the house. It was believed that if you did not finish breakfast, lunch or dinner on this day, unpleasant events could happen. Therefore, the leftover food was not thrown away, but given to pets. Weather Signs We also carefully checked the weather that day. If the moon was foggy at night, precipitation was expected. The north wind blew at night, and frost began in the morning. The sky is cloudy – summer will be rainy and gloomy. If before this day the oak blossomed leaves earlier than other trees, then, on the contrary, a hot summer was expected. If the apple tree and rowan tree are just beginning to bloom, autumn will become protracted.

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