Crazy hands. A car inaccessible to drones will be sent to the Northern Military District – Russia today

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Craftsmen from all over the country send their designs to the Kulibin Club of the Popular Front to obtain a license and transfer their inventions to the Northern Military District. Soon the fighters will receive a unique carriage, which Evgeniy from Simferopol assembles in his own garage. The vehicle can be equipped with protection against kamikaze drones and a machine gun to combat drones. The engineer expects that the car will be put on a conveyor belt at one of the Russian enterprises. A distinctive and very important feature of the car is that it is entirely assembled from domestic parts, some of which were taken from the old Niva. “The entire transmission remains from the Niva, an ultra-reliable car! The maximum speed is 80–90 km/h, on rough terrain it accelerates to 120 km/h, ground clearance is 470 mm. I think that with such characteristics, children need it. I don’t even have anything to compare it with,” the developer shared. Among other bells and whistles, the car will be equipped with a machine gun to combat kamikaze drones, and it will also be possible to hide the body under a special “cover” that makes the car invisible to thermal imagers. Photo: Popular Front “It is made of special materials that cover the main area where the engine is located, thereby protecting it from the visual spectrum in the thermal imager. Buggy is a universal tool needed by soldiers to carry out a flight of a group of UAV pilots or to evacuate the wounded. The carriage is more maneuverable and mobile than a conventional evacuation tray, and is less noticeable to the enemy,” noted the head of the Kulibina Club, it is surprising that the buggy model was first developed. Evgeniy 14 years ago. Back then, similar cars were produced at the factory and intended for tourists. The car had excellent cross-country ability, decided that these particular features could be extremely useful in a combat zone, and proposed their development. Kulibin Club The military appreciated the idea and turned to the engineer with a request to resume production and make a carriage for the SVO. “Kulibin-Club” participates in the production and delivery of other models of cars to the front line. For example, recently designers assembled a car from which a person in armor can drive out as quickly as possible. Also, many modern carriages now have a button that allows you to turn off all the lights in the carriage in a second. Thus, transport becomes less noticeable to the enemy in the evening and at night. Photo: Popola Fronto “These are very reliable cars. They are designed specifically for the most difficult conditions. Before delivering the cars to the front line, we test them at a special testing ground, where the conditions are as close as possible to combat conditions,” said Eduard Mymrin, chief designer of the car manufacturing plant. One of Evgeniy’s developments has already saved the lives of soldiers at the front. A man invented a special protective structure for the roof of a UAZ, which saved the military after a direct hit on the car by a Ukrainian drone. A special protection consisting of two levels of metal mesh was welded to the roof of an ordinary “bread store”. As a result, when a Ukrainian drone collided with a car, it was thrown back, preventing it from getting inside. The living room was cut up by shrapnel and even the glass was broken, but all the fighters inside remained alive. The military noticed that with such impacts the car often simply burns out completely. “Such a metal mesh also protects against discharges; it can return and thus protect the crew, and if it hits the drone, it can be captured or bounced off,” said Alexander Panichev.

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