Chuikov broke the silence regarding the quarrel between Mutseniets and Priluchny – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Ivan Chuikov and Agata Muceniece Photo: courtesy of the press service Agata Muceniece divorced four years ago, but her relationship with Pavel Priluchny did not end there. The actress is raising two children born in marriage with the star of the television series “Major”. The former spouses did not become friends after the divorce. First, they sorted things out verbally, and then transferred the conflict to the work of the judicial system. In April, the actress won the case for collecting alimony, but Priluchny has already appealed the court decision. Later, he filed a new lawsuit in court, demanding to resolve a controversial situation related to the implementation of the rights of minor children. They say that Pavel intends to condemn his ex-wife for the sake of the children in retaliation for the fact that she asks for too much money. Muceniece’s current boyfriend, Ivan Chuikov, watches her conflict with her ex-husband from the sidelines and stays away from the conflict. But the other day, for the first time, he allowed himself to talk about the scandal. Chuikov was careful in his words and stated that he supported Muceniece in this difficult situation. “Up to two people can decide. Two adults. I really hope that all this will be very correct and with a happy ending,” said Chuikova. Let us remind you that Agatha confirmed her relationship with Ivan during the RU.TV award ceremony. On stage they kissed passionately in front of the cameras. Shortly before this, the actress announced that she had already introduced Chuikov to her children.

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