Children’s choir blocked on the border with Lithuania due to entry from the “aggressor country”

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The children’s choir “Rhapsody” spent several hours on the border of Lithuania and Poland. Border guards from both countries categorically refused to let the team through on the grounds that it was entering from the “aggressor country.” According to Baza, the Moldovan choir Rhapsody, which performs for children aged 7-11, toured Eastern Europe a few weeks ago. Once in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Belarus, the team tried to return back along the same route, but Polish border guards refused to let the bus with children through, citing a ban on the passage of any vehicles from Belarus and Russia. On the advice of the Moldavian consulate staff, Rhapsody tried to leave Belarus through Lithuania, but the children were detained by now Lithuanian border guards, and the bus was kept in a neutral zone for a long time. According to the founder of the children’s choir, Natalya Barabanshchikova, the young artists spent more than ten hours on the bus. Lithuanian European guards held them there at gunpoint, “not even allowing them to go to the toilet” on the grounds that the children allegedly “posed a threat” to Lithuania. According to Barabanshchikova, despite attempts by the Moldovan Foreign Ministry to obtain permission for Rhapsody to travel home, official Vilnius categorically refused to let the bus pass through Belarus and turned it back to the territory of the “aggressor country.” Meanwhile, Lithuania safely and without any special obstacles resumed the movement of Russian cargo to the Kaliningrad region after a failure in customs information systems on the night of March 20, which caused the blocking of cars from Russia.

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