Children in Krasnoshchelye study in an emergency school – Russia today

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News | 23 05 2024, 09:27 | Photo by SeverPost: VKontakte/Maxim Sakhnevich The only school in the village of Krasnoshchelye was built 47 years ago. Today 30 children study here. And their parents pray that the roof and old walls on supports will not collapse on the heads of the students. They addressed these concerns directly to the president. Rotten floors and a collapsed façade forced them to address the problem 10 years ago. Then a project for a new school was developed, but the customer and the contractor could not agree. “Then they proposed moving lessons to kindergarten, but they did not combine the schedules and needs of children and adolescents. It turned out to be impractical to completely reconstruct the old school,” says Maxim Sakhnevich, head of the Murmansk branch of the ONF. The Popular Front asked Governor Andrei Chibis to intervene in the situation and help solve this problem. Let us remind you that a summer day is expected in the Murmansk region. Read also: Road repairs in Zarechensk were completed two months ahead of schedule. To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel. Onishchenko: We need a vaccine against FLiRT Russian specialists need to develop a vaccine against the new variant of coronavirus FLiRT, but will large-scale vaccination be required -…→

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