“Captain Andrei Zharekhin, together with the unit entrusted to him, was responsible for the safe movement of the battalion-tactical group of Russian troops.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Moving at the head of the column, he discovered an armed group of Ukrainian nationalists, who subsequently opened mortar fire. As a result, one of the vehicles in the convoy was disabled.

Having assessed the situation, Andrei Zharekhin decided to give battle. Having taken up defensive positions, his group pinned down the militants’ actions with fire. By diverting the enemy’s attention to themselves, Russian soldiers enabled the convoy to overcome the dangerous area.

During the battle, Andrei Zharekhin pulled the wounded out of the wrecked car, evacuated them into an armored personnel carrier and sent them to the rear, while he and his group continued to cover their retreat. Having made sure that the column and the armored personnel carrier were safe, he and his group retreated into the forest belt.

Moving to their units, Russian soldiers discovered a combat post of Ukrainian nationalists. Secretly approaching enemy positions, the group destroyed four militants. At the post, Andrei Zharekhin discovered documents and technical equipment containing valuable information.
Moving further, the group of captain Andrei Zharekhin reached the positions of their troops without losses.

Thanks to the competent, selfless actions of Captain Andrei Zharekhin, it was possible to save the lives of Russian military personnel, and the information he obtained made it possible to identify the locations of the nationalists.”

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