Bricks fall from the facade of Karl Marx’s house – Russia today

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News | 30 03 2024, 07:10 | Photo by SeverPost: Telegram/Alexander In Murmansk, bricks are falling from the facade of a house on Karl Marx Street, 4. A local resident complained about this: “We won the trial and three appeals. According to the court decision, it is necessary to carry out major repairs of the roof and facade. This is the second year of immobility,” a Murmansk resident said online. The regional Ministry of Construction responded to his complaint. They stated that the funds that the regional operator has the right to spend on the capital repair program in Murmansk for 2024-2025 have been fully distributed. However, the work can be completed using budget funds.” The Ministry of Construction of the Murmansk Region is taking measures to attract financing for the repair of the roof and facade of the house in 2024-2025. The case is under control,” the department added. Let us remind you that driving instructor Anton Nikitin told SeverPost about the new rules for passing the driver’s license exam. Read also: Murmanskstat: Northerners are less likely than other Russians to salt their food. To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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