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Chernyshev and the rest of the family treated not only Zavorotnyuk’s treatment with special care, but also did everything to ensure that neither photographs nor unnecessary details about Anastasia’s condition were leaked into the information field. And they succeeded: even on the outside they knew nothing about the well-being of the star. “I don’t have such information… I would have brought Nastya a gramophone, but those geniuses who were at the Bolshoi Theater are already in another world. I am sure that everything will work out with Nastya. In general, there are things that cannot be discussed publicly. I can discuss something with Nastya herself, with our close friends. But there is no need to tell the public about this. I know how many people sincerely love Anastasia. And this is a huge support for her. Petya and his family did everything so tactfully that there are no bad photos anywhere. The fact that this is with Nastya is very painful,” said Nikolai Tsiskaridze, commenting on rumors that the “beautiful nanny” has lost her voice and cannot speak.

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