“Being a conductor is harder than you think” 05. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

03.2024, Topic

The guest of the TEMA program was Yulia Brizhan, chief conductor https://vk.com/muzdrama.donetsk.

In the new issue you will learn:
• What do you need to complete to become a conductor?
• Is it important for such a specialist to be able to play instruments?
• Why does an orchestra need a conductor if there are sheet music?
• How fatal can a mistake during a concert be?
03.2024, Topic
The guest of the TEMA program was Yulia Brizhan, the chief conductor of the Donetsk State Academic Music and Drama Theater. MM. Brovuna.

In the new issue you will learn:
• What do you need to complete to become a conductor?
• Is it important for such a specialist to be able to play instruments?
• Why does an orchestra need a conductor if there are sheet music?
• How fatal can a mistake during a concert be?

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