Beeline Business added speech analytics to the Cloud PBX – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Now you can automatically distribute calls, transfer call information to the customer interaction system, and evaluate the performance of salespeople and call centers in one personal account. ERID LatgC3rgS Beeline Business continues to expand the capabilities of its Cloud PBX: the Speech Analytics service, based on modern domestic developments and technologies in this area, is integrated into the solution for office telephony. The service automatically processes up to 100% of conversations and helps assess how well accepted communication standards are met in sales departments or, for example, support services. Adding the Speech Analytics service to the Beeline Cloud PBX will help companies quickly and easily assess the performance of employees. Speech recognition and semantic analysis technologies eliminate the need to listen to hours of audio recordings—all analysis is performed automatically using software*. When a call is received, the company notifies the caller that the conversation will be recorded and the recording is saved in the PBX Personal Account. Intelligent algorithms then translate the audio files into text and compare the transcripts with dictionaries containing keywords and phrases. Algorithms are also able to detect long pauses or, on the contrary, interruptions of interlocutors, capture negativity, evaluate speech speed, and much more. What exactly the Speech Analytics service will analyze and in relation to which departments of the company depends on the settings that can be configured in your personal account. In this case, only the client has access to the processed information. Additionally, you can configure different access rights for employees to call analytics. “The integration of speech analytics technologies and the Beeline Business Cloud PBX is a response to the request of our clients who need convenient tools for communication and increasing business efficiency. We recently added a service for tracking advertising effectiveness from Callibri to the PBX, now speech analytics, and will continue to expand the functionality of our cloud solution,” comments Denis Panasenko, owner of the Cloud PBX product at Beeline Business. *Beeline does not evaluate data categories. The customer guarantees that the analysis of audio recordings does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation and is carried out only if the client has legal grounds for the corresponding processing.

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