Bear tracks were found on the territory of a school in the Tomsk region • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Dmitry Kandinsky / Bear tracks were found on the territory of a school in the city of Kedrovy in the north of the Tomsk region. The head of the village, Nelly Solovyeva, reported about this. Children’s classes were moved to the daytime; Police will be patrolling the area near the school. According to Nelly Solovyeva, bear tracks were found on the territory of the Kedrovskaya school on November 16. The arriving police confirmed “the fact of a bear being found on the territory of the educational institution.” “The school administration has been instructed to strengthen control over the adjacent area and regularly inform the Emergency Dispatch Service and the police about the situation. An agreement has been reached with the police department to conduct further patrols of the areas where a bear could potentially appear,” he said. The mayor of Kedrovoye said in her Telegram channel. She emphasized that in case of a bear appearing within the populated area, only police officers have the right to neutralize an animal that threatens the lives and health of people. Hunters are allowed to shoot animals only in hunting grounds. “To ensure the safety of the population, police will be on duty near the school in the morning, and police officers will conduct raids during the day. The beginning of classes with children has been moved to the daytime,” Nelly Solovyeva said. She also asked parents not to let their children out alone at night. In case of a suspicious situation, residents of Kedrovoye are asked to call the police at 02 (from a mobile phone – 102) or the Emergency Dispatch Service at 112. We have provided detailed information on what to do when meeting a bear in the article “You Might Not Run.” Imagine that you went into the woods for a walk, hunting, or to pick mushrooms. You walk along the edge and suddenly hear branches crackling, you turn around and see a large bear looking at you. Fear, panic, you decide to run – otherwise it will eat you! But this will be a fatal mistake, because it is impossible to escape from a bear – they can run at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour! In our material, you will learn how to behave, why you should not even approach the smallest, cutest bear cubs, how to avoid meeting a bear cub in the woods, and much more. Earlier, the regional hunting management reported that bears in the Tomsk region hibernate in their dens. At the same time, one predator was seen in the area of ​​the village of Novy Vasyugan in the north of the region in early November. Two days later, it became known that a hunter had shot the bear. Send us your news, photos, and videos via telegrams: @vtomskerubot

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