Bank employee prevented Togliatti resident from transferring 800 thousand rubles to scammers

Publication in CHAT: Russia

04.07.2024 18:48 TOGLIATTI. JULY 4. LATEST NEWS. Read: 57 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter In Togliatti, a 48-year-old local resident miraculously escaped from the trap of scammers. This was reported by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region. At the end of April 2024, bank employees allegedly called her and convinced her that scammers wanted to withdraw money from her account. According to the interlocutors, in order to save the savings, they must be transferred to a reserve account. The woman immediately went to the nearest bank and, on the instructions of the attacker, tried to apply for a loan for 800 thousand rubles in order to transfer this money to the specified account. An employee of a financial institution began to ask a Togliatti woman why she urgently needed such a sum, and seeing that the woman was agitated, she assumed that scammers wanted to deceive her. Following the instructions of the police officers, the employee called the police. The criminal investigation officers who arrived explained to the naive woman that she had almost become a victim of criminals. Latest news

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