Analysts said the longest DDoS attack in Russia lasted 25 hours – News

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Analysts said that the longest DDoS attack in Russia lasted 25 hours. The longest DDoS attack in Russia lasted 25 hours, according to analysts from the MTS RED cybersecurity service. According to experts, in the second half of 2023, the service repelled more than 3,800 DDoS attacks on companies’ online resources—this is 80% more than in the first half of the year. According to the director of the MTS branch in the Ryazan region, Alexander Lyak, DDoS attacks disrupt and stop the operation of the company’s websites and infrastructure, sometimes for a long time. Modern technologies make it possible to block such garbage streams, and in the event of subsequent attacks, the operation of websites and other digital platforms is no longer interrupted. MTS RED cybersecurity analysts said that in Russia in the second half of 2023, the longest DDoS attack occurred in August and lasted 25 hours. His goal was to organize the financial sector. The attack speed reached more than 100 gigabits per second. According to experts, in the second half of last year, the service repelled more than 3,800 DDoS attacks on the company’s network resources, which is 80% more than in the first half of last year. year Starting from August-September, attackers intensified their activity, and by the end of the year the monthly volume of cyber attacks reached its peak. Most often, such attacks were carried out against companies in the industrial sector – 23% of all repelled attacks accounted for. on them, as well as on IT companies and banks. Hackers rarely tried to attack educational organizations – in 2% of cases. “DDoS attacks are aimed at interrupting the operation of the company’s main processes and preventing the operation of the website and other digital platforms. Modern technologies have learned to deal with such consequences. The attacked company launches defenses and the waste flow is immediately blocked. “This activates the continuous monitoring mode. The next time an anomaly is detected, traffic filtering begins within a few seconds and the operation of the company’s digital systems is no longer interrupted,” said Alexander Lyak, director of the MTS branch in the Ryazan region. . Photo by MTS.

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