An outbreak of rabies was detected in the Paninsky district of the Voronezh region. – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

An outbreak of rabies in animals was detected in the village of Borshchevo, Paninsky District, Voronezh Region, on the territory of a private farm on Tereshkova Street. Quarantine has been established until October 29 inclusive. Within the boundaries of the epizootic focus, the import, export and treatment of sick susceptible animals is prohibited, with the exception of individuals vaccinated against rabies within the last 179 days. The presence of unauthorized persons is not allowed, with the exception of production personnel and specialists involved in the liquidation of the explosion. The draft of the relevant document was published on the portal of the Voronezh Region authorities on Tuesday, July 23. The entire territory of the village of Borshchevo was recognized as unsafe for rabies. During the quarantine, it is prohibited to hold fairs and other events related to the movement and collection of permitted animals. RIA Voronezh reported that 31 cases of rabies in animals were registered in the Voronezh Region in the first half of 2024. Most often, the disease was detected in dogs and foxes – 13 and 9 cases, respectively. Eight cats also contracted rabies. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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