An interesting story about modern relations – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

So, something happened that sooner or later happens to all girls if you even occasionally use acquaintances. You are in love with the doorman. And no, it turns out they are not extinct yet. I’ll make a reservation: the correspondence was in order. Where necessary – a joke, where necessary – a little flirtatiously, lightly, naturally, so as not to worry. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least I’ll have a good evening. Chuika reported a success rate of 95%. But my instincts were wrong. It all started when he approached me 15 minutes late. The guy is almost a head shorter than me. And no, I have nothing against short guys, but if you say in a text message that you are 180, but in fact I can easily see the top of your head, although 165 in itself is a lie, and I don’t like lies. Well, there’s no point in lying if I’ll see everything anyway when we meet. Did you think that I would swallow and we would continue our date? Okay, I swallowed it. Continuation of the date. I could barely resist giving myself a fatherly pat on the head as he hugged me, burying his face in his chest. Like mother and son, by God. So the second red flag immediately followed. You know, there is such a thing as a pick-up artist, when you seem to give a compliment to a girl, but in some sense it is insulting, humiliating. Like, “the legs are beautiful. It’s a pity that you dress them in such collective sandals.” Or “oh, what deep blue eyes, you can’t even tell they’re squinting a little. And the eye is distracted from the long nose.” So, he only scattered them along the road. Out of place and out of place. And when he called me a scary, toothy (sorry, I only got my braces off two years ago) big guy, I couldn’t stand it and answered, saying that if he continues, I’ll wash him. , like Snow White Grumpy, if you watched this cartoon and dried it off. I hoped for his self-deprecation. Who, judging by the silence and sad face, was not there. After snoring for a while and apparently calming down, he offered to sit on the bench. Despite the still excited laughter he sparked in me, I still refrained from making jokes about short legs. We only walked a little, and I wasn’t even tired. And his hand, of course, immediately appeared on my shoulder. At the same time, due to his height, he was forced to make this gesture due to some inconvenience, since he had to straighten up and sit higher on the bench. So we were worried for some time: he stood up to move his hand further, I walked away, casually trying to somehow communicate, almost completely continuing the conversation, receiving only scattered monosyllabic answers. He, like a child, reached for the candy, ignoring all attempts to distract him with conversations. He also had small hands, and when I threw them away with my hand again, I finally felt like a giant. Sweaty palms. And when he finally reached the collarbones, I resolutely moved away and a conversation went something like this: “Maybe you’ll stop trampling on me?” Yes, that’s it, calm down.” Let’s move on – Communicate? Or rise? – Yes, everything is fine, relax. And I’m not exaggerating now. He really just rejected all my statements of facts in the spirit of “no, everything is fine, it seems to you.” And he moved forward again. – You are so impenetrable, soon you will have 40 cats left – Impenetrable? That is, you don’t realize that we have no connection at all, the conversation is not appropriate, there is a lot of tension, and yet you go stomping “Are you first? “Everything was fine with me before you.” That’s it, baby, relax. I can’t guarantee the accuracy of the conversation, but the word SMALL sounded just right. I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s hard to hold back when people call you “little” while looking at you. – That’s all. For you chicks, all that matters is height. insult and irritate?” You love riddles, the guy loves to read a book. And if you throw all this away, then interest will disappear and you will run away to someone else “And many people are so interested in you?” Wow, the porter’s mask has really fallen off and I see the real him – So, let’s try to communicate normally, because if you continue to be rude, we will end this, and then he will put both hands on his back. bench, assumes the alpha male pose and says, “My girls usually finish first.” If you know what I mean, we high-fived each other and I, amazed at his composure, slowly walked home. By the way, he texted me all evening until I finally blocked him, secretly wiping away my tears. And I will dream about his hands at night for a long time…

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