An anti-drug advertising competition starts in the Rostov region • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On January 10, 2024, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announces the beginning of the All-Russian competition on anti-drug social propaganda and promotion of a healthy lifestyle “Let’s Save Lives Together.” The purpose of the event is to attract public attention to the problem of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as to create a negative attitude in society towards their illegal use. The competition is held in two stages: regional and federal, in the following categories: “The best organization of outdoor social advertising aimed at reducing the demand for medicines”; “The best anti-drug video and promotion of a healthy lifestyle”; “The best anti-drug video for social networks.” The organizer of the regional stage of the Competition is the Drug Control Department of the Chief Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov Region with the support of the Government of the Rostov Region. To participate in the regional stage of the Competition, everyone can send their competition works by email to until February 20, 2024. Applications are accepted by the department of interaction with government authorities, organization of operational and preventive activities and administrative practice of drug control of the chief director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region. Additional information can be obtained by calling: 8 (863) 249 36 93. In 2022, 223 representatives of municipalities took part in the regional stage of the Competition, and in 2023, 206 works were presented. Read us in the telegram: S. Klunny Previously reported: Claims of Taganrog residents about the installation of charging stations for electric buses 3061 News about Bloknot-Taganrog

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