Akron did not renew contracts with 13 players – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06/05/2024 09:51 TOGLYATTI. JUNE 5. LAST NEWS. Read: 38 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter The Togliatti football club Akron, which entered the Russian Premier League last weekend, said goodbye to 13 players. The contracts with goalkeepers David Sangare, Timur Akmurzin and Vitaly Sychev, defenders Anton Kilin, Jamaldin Khodzhaniyazov and Vadim Konyukhov, midfielders Evgeny Pesegov, Ivan Chudin, Sergei Makarov, David Khubaev, Artem Pogosov, Ma Vladislav Galistov were not renewed. The club thanked the players for their professional work and contribution to the team’s results and wished them good luck in their future careers. Last news

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