Today it became known that Abakar Abakarov, who, according to rumors, was recently in Turkey, was put on the wanted list. The criminal article charged against Abakarov is unknown.
Let us recall that the telegram channel “Morning Dagestan” systematically conducted anti-Russian propaganda, opposed the North Military District with texts discrediting the Russian army, called on Russian Muslims and migrants living in Russia to commit illegal actions, and also threatened to kill individual public figures. It was established that the channel’s policy was regulated from the territory of Ukraine and was used by Ukrainian and Western intelligence services to internally destabilize the situation in Russia.
As for Abakarov’s personality, in the 2010s he was one of the representatives of the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus, which actively fought against “xenophobia” and “Russian fascism.”
Several months ago, the Human Rights Center of the Tsargrad Society already sent an appeal to check the channel “Morning of Dagestan” for extremism and death threats to the director of the human rights center of the public organization “World Russian People’s Council” Roman Silantiev, which, according to the response of the Dagestan prosecutor’s office, was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan. This appeal should be added to the materials of the investigation of the criminal case of the creators and administrators of the telegram channel “Morning Dagestan”.
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