In it we said that in April the administration launched a bus to residents of SNT “Metallurg-1” and promised to stop at the same time. But then we were “lunched”, and in September it turned out that the city self-government “Improvement” would establish a stop when there was funding. And now, 4 days after publication, the money was found. A resident of SNT sent a video to the editor of how the stop was installed. Also, the man, on behalf of all residents of SNT, thanked the editors of “Taganrog Notebook” for information support. Previously, we reported that “No money – catch snow” – the stop promised by the Taganrog administration never happened. Residents of SNT “Metallurg-1” have been waiting for six months for a stop, which has not happened yet. 2327 News about Notepad-Taganrog
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