Actor Roman Kurtsyn told how he lived at the station for a whole month – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Russian actor Roman Kurtsyn admitted that at the beginning of his career he lived at the train station for a month. He shared his memories in an interview for the YouTube channel “Vmeste”. Kurtsyn said that at that time he did not have money for a rented apartment, so he had to leave. He was filming the TV series “Sword” and returned to the Yaroslavl train station every evening, where, according to him, the security already knew the aspiring actor. “I came [в Москву], I had a meager fare as an additional payment. I had no money. I lived at the Yaroslavsky station for a whole month. I arrived at the station, met the guards and returned there every evening. And they already knew me [говорили] like: “Romych! Artist!” – said Kurtsyn. The actor added that filming took place in the pavilion at VDNKh. In the evening he arrived at the station, slept on his bag, then returned to VDNKh, washed himself in the sink and went to work. Kurtsyn admitted that, despite the circumstances, he was grateful to the events that happened to him then. “Every time I went with this coffee for three kopecks to VDNKh, because there was no money for transport… I walked and said: “How grateful I am for what is happening now!” I knew that one day I would live in the best penthouses in this city and be able to buy myself whatever I wanted. There was no despondency at all,” said the artist. Earlier it was reported that the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” in which Roman Kurtsyn also plays, collected a billion rubles at the Russian box office.

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