Acting head of Krasnokamensk district Natalia Shcherbakova explained how many boilers in Margutsek boiler house are ready for winter today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

“There are only 4 boilers in the boiler house, but in the opinion of the service resource specialist, only two are fully operational today, that is, those that allow starting up in the heating season. The third boiler is still in reserve, Barnaul has played out. Indeed, there is a problem with people, that is, people do not want to go to work at the boiler house, due to various objective, subjective reasons, there really is a problem with people. The resource specialist is doing everything on its part to select people,” explained Natalia Shcherbakova.

She also added that the utility company is ready to start heating on September 18. Only the village of Margutsek causes great concern. The district, in general, is ready for the heating season.

Acting head of Krasnokamensk district Natalia Shcherbakova explained how many boilers in Margutsek boiler house are ready for winter today

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