A universal tool made from an anchor bolt and a holder for scalpel blades.

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To cut thin sheets of plastic, leather, cardboard and similar materials, it is convenient to use a scalpel with removable blades. If you don’t already have such a tool, then its handle can be made from a regular anchor. All you have to do is buy a set of replacement blades, and you can use a durable, comfortable scalpel made by yourself. Materials: extended nuts. Handle manufacturing process; anchor rod and select 2 extended nuts for it. The main thing is that the thread on the selected screw extends the entire length to the head. Nuts are screwed onto it, then their edges are ground. To do this, the screw with them is fixed in the drill. After this, after grinding, it is sharpened with sand or an angle grinder. In this way, you can achieve the quality and speed of processing as on a lathe, but without it you will have to cut off part of the screw and cut its neck lengthwise in order to insert a scalpel blade into the gap. The cut must be very thin, so it is better to do it with a drill or hand jigsaw. After this, you need to screw one nut tightly to the remains of the head, and attach the second to the edge. thick copper wire around the screw that needs to be turned. The result is a handle that is simple and quick to manufacture. All that remains is to loosen the first nut and insert a scalpel blade into the cut. It is then pressed to close the gap. Then the second nut is screwed on and the scalpel is ready for use.

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