A teacher and five high school students in Lesozavodsk inhaled spilled e-cigarette liquid

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On Friday, November 17, in the morning, an incident occurred at a school in Lesozavodsk with a flavored liquid, presumably for electronic cigarettes. Five high school students and a teacher required medical attention due to an allergic reaction to the substance. Youth inspectors interviewed students and teachers, and the Primorsky Territory prosecutor’s office reported that the incident occurred during an algebra lesson at school No. 1. Six people came to the central city hospital of Lesozavodsk with complaints of cough, difficulty breathing, dizziness and nausea. As a result of the incident, measures were taken to remove the substance and conduct its research. The prosecutor’s office will also conduct an investigation into the incident and evaluate the measures taken to ensure the safety of students and preventive work with children.

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