A student from Nizhny Novgorod was deprived of a scholarship for gratitude to terrorists

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A schoolgirl from Nizhny Novgorod was deprived of her personal scholarship by the city administration after words of gratitude that a 15-year-old girl expressed to the terrorists who carried out massacres in the Crocus City Hall concert hall in the Moscow region. This was reported by the Nizhny Novgorod edition of the NN Network on Wednesday, March 27. We are talking about a video of a student that she posted on her social networks. In the footage, she shared that she had been drinking alcohol for a week, and because of the massacre in the Moscow region, she would not have to go to Moscow to continue drinking with friends. “Thank you to the terrorists who came to Crocus City Hall,” the schoolgirl concluded. As noted, a few months ago at the mayor’s office, the girl was awarded for “outstanding skill and high results in the field of culture and art in 2023.” It was then that she became the winner of a personal scholarship from the administration of Nizhny Novgorod. However, now, as reported by the city authorities, the teenager is no longer studying in additional educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Culture. The Newsroom24 portal, with reference to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, reported that administrative material has been drawn up against the legal representative of the minor for failure to fulfill educational duties. A preventive conversation was held with the schoolgirl herself. Moreover, Nizhny Novgorod soon apologized for its statements. “I sincerely apologize for the terrible thing I did on Saturday by recording an online video. I do not support terrorism in any way; My deepest condolences to all the people who lost their loved ones on that terrible day. I’m not justifying myself in any way, but I want to say that I recorded this video with a completely different message,” the girl said. Earlier that same day, March 26, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that those who gloat about the tragedy at Crocus City Hall are scum. On March 22, a group of armed people entered the building of the multi-level concert hall Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region and opened fire on visitors to the center, after which they set fire to the hall where the people were. who came to the concert of the group “Picnic”. According to the latest data, 140 people became victims of the terrorist attack, the number of victims has increased to almost 360. On March 26, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov said that a terrorist attack in the Moscow region was ready. radical Islamists with the support of Ukrainian special services, in addition, countries such as Great Britain and the USA were behind the massacre. He noted that the Ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack is confirmed by information received from the detainees. According to the head of the service, the specific customer of the incident has not yet been identified, and the threat of a terrorist attack in Russia still remains.

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