A snowstorm awaits in Vorkuta and Inta • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

According to the forecast of the branch of the Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Center of the Komi Republic, in the second half of the day on November 23, continuing until 18:00 on November 24, there is expected to be an increase in easterly winds to 8 points, -13 gusts up to 22 m/s, and a snowstorm in the far northeast. Areas affected: Vorkuta, Inta. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Komi Republic recommends to the population: Refrain from traveling, visiting forests and bodies of water, as well as from traveling and participating in mass events. Limit your time outdoors, remove vehicles from under trees and billboards. While outdoors, avoid billboards, swaying buildings, and houses with unstable roofs. Stay away from large isolated trees, power lines, and antennas. As power outages may occur, be prepared for power outages. Parents should talk to their children about what to do in bad weather. Drivers should be careful on the roads, observe a safe distance, and speed limit. Making long trips in a heavy snowstorm is dangerous. Reminder: – in case of an emergency, urgent call the emergency services at “01”. Mobile phone owners should dial “101” or “112”; – the hotline of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Komi Republic operates around the clock: 8 (8212) 29-99-99.

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