A resident of Murmansk started riots at a college on Nevsky – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 02 03 2024, 12:03 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Alexander Loginov In Murmansk, an unknown person entered a college located on Nevsky Street. The 43-year-old northerner began to behave aggressively at the educational institution. He broke down the front door, shouted loudly and caused fear among the college staff with his inappropriate behavior. According to the security guard, employees of the regional National Guard detained the man who resisted and took him to the police station. Let us remind you that since the beginning of the year, four people have died on federal highways in the region. Read also: The Arctic entered the TOP 10 regions with the most expensive gasoline To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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