A resident of Monchegorsk raised chickens in an incubator [видео] – Russia today

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News | 27 05 2024, 07:09 | SeverPost Photo and video: VKontakte/Anna Pavlenko Anna Pavlenko from Monchegorsk collected eggs during her vacation to cook scrambled eggs for her husband. Somehow, unnoticed, an incubator was added to them. Nowadays there are chickens living in the northerners’ house. “According to tradition, on vacation I put together a breakfast gift for my husband from our Cuban chickens. I used homemade eggs to make scrambled eggs. I don’t remember at what point we were pushed to buy an incubator. But what happened, happened,” Anna wrote on her page on social networks. After two weeks, the chicks turned from yellow balls into almost chickens, but still a little weak. The owner hopes that at least one of the pets will be male so that the chickens can lay eggs. Let us remind you that in the Arctic they take care of owls. Read also: A trolleybus had to be pushed in Murmansk [видео]

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