A regional family festival will be held in Africa – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 08 06 2024, 13:15 | SeverPost Photo: VKontakte/Murmansk region On Sunday, June 9, the regional family festival “Afrikanda-fest” (0+) will be held in Africa. The program of events includes: excursions to historical places; procession of creative delegations; performances by creative groups; entertainment program at Arts Square “There will be an open photo gallery, various playgrounds, an exhibition of exhibits from the Kandalaksha Museum and a fair of decorative and applied arts. There will also be master classes by local craftsmen on hand modeling clay, making a bird of happiness and a Sami amulet. The event will end with a large family round dance,” the regional government reported. Let us remind you that on Friday, June 14, an open-air disco “Havena Movado” (16+) will be held in the regional center. Read also: A fight between a “hare” and a conductor in Murmansk was reported [видео]

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