A ramp was installed in a building on Kurkinskoe Highway in Khimki at the request of residents

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Residents of the house had previously contacted the public reception office of the United Russia party with a request to install a ramp. “This ramp is necessary for comfortable movement of people with limited mobility living in the house. We all checked the ramp together, its safety and reliability,” commented district deputy Alexander Vasiliev, municipal deputy Yulia Ishkova said that personal receptions of citizens in Khimki are held there, elected representatives help solve problems in the sphere of housing and communal services, landscaping, social support and others, interact with residents at their place of residence. Chats This system was built on the initiative of the head of the district Dmitry Voloshin and corresponds to the principle of the Governor of the Moscow Region “The resident is always right”. It operates the project of the United Russia party. Khimki. Its mission is to create an accessible urban environment for people with disabilities. Within its framework, district deputies regularly monitor the availability of social and road infrastructure. And comments and recommendations are sent to the specialized institutions of Khimki. News from the Moscow Region can be discussed in Super Chat 360.

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