A rally against the closure of borders with Russia was held in Helsinki • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 18 11 2023, 15:50 | Photo by SeverPost: SeverPost/Narmina Titova In Helsinki, Russians held a rally against the closure of four border crossings, which was decided by the Finnish government. The event was coordinated with the capital police. According to a RIA Novosti journalist, about 300 people were present: “The decision to close the borders limits our right to meet with members of our families. It is necessary to find a more flexible solution,” said one of the participants of the action, Ekaterina. Let us remind you that Finnish border guards used gas to allow asylum seekers to pass through the Niirala checkpoint on the border with Russia. Read also: The moment of a massive road accident in Murmansk was captured [видео]

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