A queue lined up in Murmansk for the taste of childhood – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 24 05 2024, 14:40 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Ivan Aleksandrov During the gastronomic festival “Taste of the Arctic” in Murmansk, a line lined up for… childhood memories. The northerners wanted to feast on the famous “nausa” – fried cylindrical mullet flatbreads, which used to be sold on the street and in the Neptune store for 5 kopecks. Then they were fried on an industrial scale, at a fish factory. Mostly older people stood in line. Some wanted to remember the taste of childhood, others wanted to give it to their grandchildren. Let us remind you that details about the glass temple for Teriberka have become known. Read also: Bells are ringing in the center of Murmansk [видео]

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