A psychological tour was organized for southern military families • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

For the first time in the region, the Miass non-profit organization “Care” organized a free psychological tour for the families of mobilized residents of the Southern Urals. Families from five cities of the Chelyabinsk region were invited to participate in the project “When we are together with mom.” Professional psychologists helped 19 mothers and 32 children build trusting relationships, go through all stages of psychological recovery and independently cope with fears, anger and other negative emotions. “The wives of those mobilized now have to independently solve many household and material problems. Mothers became cold and nervous. As a result, communication with children was interrupted. At the same time, children also experience significant stress and do not know how to cope with their own emotional experiences. All events with psychological trauma were considered to the smallest detail, so as not to harm, but to help them,” Anastasia Borisova, director of the ANO “Zabota,” told ASI.

In addition to psychological training, the rehabilitation program consisted of walking and art classes. therapy, aromatherapy, music therapy, clay therapy and even candy therapy. During the excursion it was possible to take part in educational, sports and entertainment activities. Everyone rested, relaxed, made friends and supported each other. The participants are now communicating. There are already NGOs that are planning to implement a similar project in their cities. Meet with our team members to understand how to organize everything. We are happy to share our experience,” concluded Borisova.

The head of the NGO noted that families can turn to them for help. help, especially the “School of Happy Parenting” center in Miass, where the project psychologists work.

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