A new production of ceramic bricks was opened near Volgograd – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Today in the village of Svetly Yar, Volgograd region, new equipment for the production of ceramic bricks was launched. As RIAC was informed by the press service of the regional administration, production has been established at the Biotech plant, which produces bricks and thermoblocks. Valuable building materials are used at various construction sites in Volgograd and the region. The cost of the new production amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. The plant received a preferential loan from the Federal Industrial Fund. The implementation of the investment project made it possible to double production – from 15 million to 33 million bricks per year. In the region, 180 enterprises produce non-metallic building materials. Of these, 6 are of systemic importance at the national level. Regional construction is fully supported by local products. Having received state support, Volgograd last year ensured an increase in the production of building materials by 70 percent compared to 2022. Positive dynamics are also observed in the first quarter of this year. It should be noted that Volgograd enterprises constantly occupy leading positions in the Southern Federal District and are among the top ten in Russia in the production of certain types of construction products. Volgograd residents occupy: 2nd place in the Russian Federation (1st place in the Southern Federal District) – glass products; 6th place in the Russian Federation (2nd place in the Southern Federal District) – ceramic slabs and tiles; 8th place in the Russian Federation (2nd place in the Southern Federal District) – cement. And the Volzhsky Abrasive Plant is the only enterprise in the country that produces silicon carbide. https://riac34.ru

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