A monument to the heroes of the Northern Military District was opened in the Kirovsky district of Perm – Vkurse.ru

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The monument appeared thanks to the initiative of the mother of a soldier who died for his homeland. In the Kirovsky district of Perm, the grand opening of a monument to soldiers who died in the Northern Military District took place. The monument became part of the Memorial Alley, which was created in 2023 according to the project of the Perm residents themselves Photo: Dmitry Makhonin/Telegram The initiative to create a monument to the heroes of the special operation, according to the governor, belongs. to the mother of one of the servicemen who died on the territory of the Northern Military District: “I thank Elena Evgenievna Belyaeva and all the residents of the Kama region for the daily support of our compatriots who defend the interests of the Motherland,” Makhonin wrote. On the street you can see a monument to the soldiers of the Northern Military District. Kirovogradskaya, 26. Previously, VKurs.ru reported that during the SVO on April 10, 36-year-old Roman Bochkarev from the Aleksandrovsky district of the Perm Territory died.

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