A man’s head was cut off on a jet ski, the Romance Club is prohibited – May 29, 2024 – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Shot from the scene of the crisis in Bashkiria Source: Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Every day there are many events happening in the world that are simply impossible to follow in the news feed. Therefore, in this digest we collect the main things. Today we are summing up the results of May 29th. Monument to Prigozhin At the grave of Yevgeny Prigozhin, work on installing a monument has been completed. The complex consists of stone and sculpture. Prigozhin is dressed in military uniform and unarmed. The author of the composition, sculptor Yaroslav Barkov, told Fontanka why this particular image was chosen.—Mom [Евгения Пригожина] I absolutely did not want the image of a warrior. But it’s clear that it’s not without that – that’s why he wears a military jacket. And they were more focused on being a citizen of Russia, a Hero of Russia. Mom insisted on this picture <...>. The fact that his soul and heart ached for Russia. “Patriot,” Barkov explained Source: Mikhail Ognev/Fontanka.ru Source: Mikhail Ognev/Fontanka.ru Putin’s instructions Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the council for strategic development and national projects. The President instructed: The President called the salvation of the people and the well-being of Russian families the main priority for the country’s development. He cited the soldiers of the Northern Military District as an example to officials. “We are all together, everyone who is sitting here, and all your brigades on the ground – everyone must work exactly the way our guys work at the front,” he said. Address to the meeting participants Meanwhile, the State Duma adopted a bill allowing bailiffs to use firearms. The right applies to certain cases specified in the bill: for example, when suppressing crimes and offenses and in the situation of detaining an armed person. But “the use of physical force, special means and firearms should not pose a threat to the life and health of random people,” says the document, which Putin also signed into law. The first concerns the creation of an open register of alimony debtors, the second allows the sale of alcohol on the summer verandas of cafes, the third prohibits the write-off of debts for social pensions of disabled people. Another law provides that families of deceased SVO participants will be able to receive two survivor pensions. And finally, the president appointed Alexei Dyumin Secretary of the State Council. Our colleagues from MSK1.RU told us who it is. According to RIA Novosti, more than 21 million rubles were paid to the victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus. The amount includes insurance payments and payments to banks on mortgage loans, however, this amount is not final and may increase. A man’s head was cut off while he was riding a jet ski. In Bashkiria, a man’s head was literally cut off while riding a jet ski. The tragedy occurred on the Deme River near the village of Yumatovo. The culprit turned out to be a cable stretched across the reservoir, which the vacationer did not notice. According to the Republic’s Ministry of Emergency Situations, the night before, three friends decided to take a walk along the river. One of them went ahead of the others, not noticing the cable on his way. He headbutted him at full speed. The man died on the spot, his body was pulled out of the water by rescuers. Two other men noticed the danger in time and were able to brake. A source familiar with the details of the incident told UFA1.RU that a 54-year-old businessman died on the river. As the portal’s interlocutor explained, the man was relaxing on the river with his son and friend, driving his new jet ski for the first time; The cable that injured his head held the pontoon bridge in place. Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Courts The sentence to Igor Strelkov was upheld after an appeal. Now the sentence is considered to have entered into legal force, and Strelkov will soon be transferred to a colony. The lawyer of the convicted person, Gadzhi Aliyev, noted that the court partially satisfied only “some technical requirements”: actor Alexei Panin was included in the register of extremists and terrorists (compiled by Rosfinmonitoring); In the Russian Federation, the star of the films “Zhmurki” and “DMB” was arrested in absentia last winter, and he was charged with calls for terrorist activities, public justification and propaganda of terrorism. In a recent interview, the actor admitted that he does not plan to return and is looking for work in Hollywood; Maxim Galkin’s lawyers* were unable to remove him from the list of foreign agents. They were rejected by the Judicial Collegium of the Second Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction; billionaire Farhad Akhmedov won the case against the Council of the EU. He is exempt from sanctions. Akhmedov occupies 82nd place in the Russian Forbes ranking, his fortune is estimated at $1.6 billion. Roskomnadzor included the popular game “Romance Club” in the register of sites with prohibited information. Links to the application on Google Play and the App Store have been added to the list. Romance Club is a collection of visual novels in which the player makes choices and advances the plot. In the application you can immerse yourself in fairy-tale and realistic worlds, which are based on building relationships with other characters. The reason for the ban of the game was the LGBT theme** “Romance Club” is the most popular mobile visual novel in the CIS countries. Users post reviews on social networks and create communities. The game has more than 10 million downloads on Google Play alone.* Included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the register of foreign agents.** The international LGBT movement is recognized as extremist and undressing of schoolchildren is prohibited in Russia. In Voronezh, a scandal involving undressing of schoolchildren before the Unified State Exam is raging for the second day. But this story reached the State Duma. On Tuesday, May 28, after the Unified State Examination in the Russian language at school No. 62 in Voronezh, two girls said that before the exam, the students had to undress – put your rocks on them. . bras squeaked in metal detectors. According to them, some had to undress right on the street: “Whoever squealed was taken out, checked on the street, then they passed by and squealed again, and they were told: “Take off your bra.” : “Show me,” said the graduate Source: Voronezh1.ru The Ministry of Education published a video from the school, stating that “there are no violations of ethical standards, but the recording is at the four and a half minute mark.” shows one of the schoolchildren showing his bra to an employee standing near the staff. The head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina, and then the Speaker of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, were at first outraged by what happened. He promised to discuss what happened. scandalous audit with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Changes in the tax system The Russian Ministry of Finance submitted to the government a package of bills including amendments to the Tax Code. Among the proposed changes is the tiered income tax schedule that was previously announced. According to Vedomosti, the Ministry of Finance offers five levels of the personal income tax scale. The amount of tax will depend on a person’s annual income: the more he earns, the more he will have to pay to the state. Now personal income tax is 13% of income, and those who earn more than 5 million rubles a year pay 15% on the amount of income above these 5 million. Only the self-employed pay less to the state – there is a special tax regime for them. Now the Ministry of Finance proposes to leave the rate of 13% only for those who earn less than 2.4 million rubles per year. People with income from 2.4 to 5 million rubles will pay 15% to the treasury, from 5 to 20 million rubles – 18%, from 20 million to 50 million rubles – 20%. Those earning more than 50 million a year will have to pay 22%.

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