A Vladivostok resident driving a Nissan Patrol at an intersection in Ussuriysk collided with a Toyota Prius taxi, which had to give way. The impact caused both cars to crash into a tree, the SUV was seriously damaged, and the passenger car was literally crushed. The female taxi driver died at the scene from her injuries. Alcohol was found in the blood of the person responsible for the accident. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Ussuriysk, a 34-year-old resident of Vladivostok, driving a Nissan Patrol, entered an unregulated intersection in the Sovetskaya area and for 33 years did not give way to a Toyota Prius that was driving along. Main road As a result of the accident, the 48-year-old female driver of the car died on the spot from her injuries. Photos from the scene show that the impact sent both vehicles off the road and into a tree. The front end of the SUV was crushed and the battered Toyota Prius was pinned between the Nissan Patrol and the trunk. Yellow stripes on the car’s doors suggest it was a taxi. Police determined that the driver of the SUV was driving under the influence and without compulsory motor liability insurance. A criminal case has been initiated against the man under Part 4 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of traffic rules by a driver while intoxicated, resulting in the death of a person through negligence.” He faces up to 12 years in prison.
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