A crowd of security forces with weapons appeared in the center of Makhachkala, local residents were asked not to leave their homes – June 26, 2024.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Eyewitnesses filmed the incident Source: RIA Dagestan Shooting can be heard in the center of Makhachkala, RIA Novosti reports. University Square was blocked, TASS reports – In the area of ​​Magomed Gadzhiev and Korkmasov streets in Makhachkala, law enforcement agencies are taking measures and warning the population about the need to leave this territory. We ask that you avoid traveling to this part of the city. Be careful and vigilant! – reported the press service of the Makhachkala administration Source: Attention, news / T.me Source: RIA Dagestan The Dagestan police reported that police officers responded to a message from an armed man. Now everything is calm – an eyewitness reported that he “saw an armed man in the area of ​​​​University Square.” Several police squads were immediately sent to the scene and the area was cordoned off. A thorough inspection of the site and surrounding area was carried out. With the involvement of dog handlers. The information has not been confirmed. “Everything is calm,” the police said. On June 23, an armed group of people began shooting in Makhachkala and Derbent. The attackers attacked two Orthodox churches, a synagogue and a traffic police post. As a result of the events, 21 people died. All publications on the topic of the terrorist attack can be read here.

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