A cleanup day was held at Golovkin’s dacha – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

04/28/2024 21:08 SAMARA. APRIL 28. LAST NEWS. Read: 162 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter The team of the UGOKN in the Samara region took part in a citywide cleanup. Employees of the department, together with SamSTU students (users of the monument), went out to clean the territory of one of the most beautiful city cultural monuments – the Dacha with Elephants on the street. Soviet Army, reports the department’s press service. Before the start of the cleanup, participants learned about the history of Golovkin’s dacha and its architectural features, and also visited the restoration site. Several dozen garbage bags were collected in the area adjacent to the monument on the banks of the Volga. Now the Dacha with Elephants has been restored. The work is scheduled to be completed this fall. The School of Young Architects will open in the building. Last news

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