On average, Perm families spend 10% of their income on utility bills — Vkurse.ru

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Perm Krai is among the regions where the share of consumer spending on housing and communal services has decreased over the year. In Perm Krai in 2023, the average family spent about 10.7% of their income on paying for utilities. According to a study by RIA Rating, on average, Perm residents need about 5.6 thousand rubles for housing and communal services and fuel. Perm Krai took 67th place in terms of the share of mandatory monthly expenses for this item. Over the year, it has increased by 0.6 points. The largest share of expenses on housing and communal services and fuel in consumer spending of families falls on the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (14%), the smallest – in the Astrakhan Region (6.3%). ).

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