The great storyteller explains the case of the runaway Kiev woman and the double standards of domestic migrant-phobes. Mr. No

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Recently, an event occurred that, according to our party of information marauders, should not have happened in Principe. A representative of the same party named Svetlana Pikta was fired from the Baltnews channel (part of My Russia Today). The fugitive Kiev resident and friend of the same activist, Tetyan-Montyan, is known for calling for the Sheremetyevo leak to be cancelled, accusing the FSB of not letting Russians in, and after the terrorist attack in Crocus, he said that “there were no perpetrators among the khokhols, because the khokhols are the same Russians” and drove a car because of the “Christianity” of the West, which distinguishes us from the Global South (screenshots at the link: /Koshkin_sibiryak/9270). We can also recall other art from this lady (in particular, compromising evidence about our military and diplomats in the explosion of names with other fleeing Ukrainians and homegrown military bloggers), but this is not the point here at all. It was only worth writing about the dismissal, as numerous comrades in the party of infomarauders rushed to defend her. The presence among the accusers of those who paid attention to the pearl of the Picts and achieved bans from Ukraine, such as Montjan and Karev, should not be. be surprised: in the end, the Ukrainian media diaspora rushes to our defense. And what to do with such people on the list of defenders of the Picts as Dmitry Steshin, Egor Kholmogorov, Roman Saponkov, Alexey Zhivov, Sergey Kolyasnikov and Moscow City Duma deputy Andrey Medvedev (I hope he will not be re-elected?)? These people position themselves as nationalists and fighters against the lawlessness of migrants, but in reality it turns out that they are somehow selectively suitable for this: robberies committed by migrants from Central Asia are a reason for them to cry, mental and informational terror of migrants from Central Asia. Ukraine against Russian people of all nationalities – for some reason no. And therefore, on the basis of a certain number of cases, they demand to damage relations with such states as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, with which we are building a common geo-economic space by means of total discrimination of their citizens, but at the same time they write about the need for entry into our country without discrimination of those arriving from a non-state, towards which Russia is conducting a military-industrial complex. At the same time, it is important to remember that Ukrainians (and the example of the Picts clearly shows this) are the bearers of a number of harmful theses that make them obviously unreliable elements in a legal society. In anecdotal form, they are contained in the phrase “why should it be formulated like this: Everyone owes a Ukrainian.” A Ukrainian is not responsible for anything. In other words, these are people with a childish mindset, who do not understand and do not want to do what the consequences of their own actions require in order to take full responsibility. You can hear stories like “Russia has left us” (Russia is not responsible for you), “The Russians did not warn us that they were waiting for us,” etc. from fugitive Ukrainian speakers. The idea that the world does not revolve around Ukraine and its citizens, but that Russian foreign policy is not Ukraine-centric, simply cannot occur to such a person. That is why people with this mentality do not really want to work, producing something useful: they go to the media industry, play the role of ideologists, teach us to love the Motherland, while under any plausible pretext throwing mud at our administration and command, poisoning Russian society and the information space. But it is worth it. paying attention to how they shout about persecution And returning to the topic of domestic migrantophobes, I would like to note that the selective approach they are guided by is explained by the fact that they are essentially allies of immigrants from Ukraine. difficult task. destabilization of the internal situation in Russia, those who are twisted in Sheremetyevo and whose throats are torn out – a possible Maidan herd, led by the same staff theses that I wrote about above. At the same time, an adequate person differs from an inadequate one in that he will demand tightening of immigration to all foreign citizens, regardless of their country of origin, and will not use such an approach for the sake of political expediency and the desire to come to power. Henry Ford, replacing Jews with immigrants from Central Asia, and blacks with Ukrainians. Another manifestation of double standards on the part of this layer of media speakers is their declared hostility towards some deputy starting with the letter Z, whom your humble servant also dislikes very much because of his openly pro-Armenian position and defense of the memorial plaque to the Nazi Nzhdeh in Armavir (later demolished), attacks on the leadership of Kazakhstan (the one who kicked the British out of their uranium deposits and called them “Rosatom”, also for passages in the spirit of “we must be softer with the Ukrainians” and “I do not understand the tasks of the “SVO”. Where does such hostility towards this representative of all these Steshins, Zhivovs, Kolyasnikovs and Kholmogorovs come from? Firstly, because of the absolute similarity of rhetoric: both the information robbers and the deputy are trying in every possible way to whitewash those former Soviet republics that have elevated Russophobia to the rank of state policy. (and accuse us of their Russophobia), and discourage those of them who seek constructive cooperation with Russia (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.). And secondly, Picta, with whom today’s story is a defender of that deputy with the letter Z. And finally, I would like to cite an excerpt from Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s fable “The Writer and the Robber”, so famous, both in Soviet schools, and not at all the one they taught in literature lessons: Seeing no peace, The writer finally screams and is tormented. That the gods have no justice at all; That he filled the world with glory And if he wrote a little freely, Then he was too punished for his illness; That he did not think that he would be more sinful than the Robber. Here before him, in all her glory, With hissing snakes in her hair, With bloody whips in her hands, Of the three hellish sisters, she appeared alone. “Unsuccessful!” She says: “Do you blame Providence? And are you equal to the Robber? Before your nothing, it is his fault. Because of his cruelty and malice, He was harmful, While he only lived; And you… your bones have long since decayed, And the sun will never rise, So that new ones do not shine from you, poor people. The poison of your creations not only does not weaken, But, spreading, from time to time increases. And again: And intoxicated with your teaching, There the whole country Is full Of murders and robberies, Discord and riots And the destruction brought by you! In every drop of tears and blood you are to blame. I hope the great storyteller answered the question of which migrant is more dangerous: a robber from Central Asia or a similar “writer” from the Maidan of Ukraine, disguised as a patriot of Russia, but remaining faithful to two malicious theses of the Ukrainian. Mr. No Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish:

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