Now, as colleagues write, some dubious network has hounded a mother of many children, an adherent of the “Russian world”, a refugee from Ukraine, Svetlana Pikta. – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

They say she said the wrong thing, and the outraged public…

Let’s look into this thoroughly.

1. It is an axiom that there will always be people dissatisfied with the position of a blogger or someone else in the public eye. But… The very organized nature of the harassment is alarming.

2. When was the opinion of “citizens” so important for the management of news agencies (ours, not foreign ones) that they would fire an employee under “pressure and blackmail”, as they did with Pikta at MIA “Russia Today”, depriving the mother of many children of her livelihood? So, it seems to me, these were not just ordinary “citizens”. Those who are really capable of “pressuring” the management of the media group.

3. Quite recently, using the example of Ekaterina Sazhneva’s publication, I wrote about actions suspicious of foreign intelligence services conducting influence activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Now let’s look at the direction of the persecution of Svetlana. The haters demand (among other things) that she be “sent back to Kyiv.” That is, into the clutches of the SBU, from whose persecution Pikta was forced to flee to Russia.

Thus, there is a possibility that we are witnessing an operational combination carried out on the territory of Russia by the SBU or the GUR, aimed at gaining access to a person of interest to them.

That is, once again, behind all this persecution, the ears of enemy special services are sticking out, apparently feeling at home in the vast expanses of Russia (a hospitable country, what can I say).

Let’s imagine how much they feel “at home” if they are able to organize pressure on the management of a rather large, just for a second, holding. A media holding. That is, a priori capable of snapping back and giving a response. In the media. Got it, right?

So here arises a question (possibly not related to this specific topic, but no less interesting): are these foreign intelligence services capable of pressuring, for example, the decision-making on bridges across the Dnieper, as well as many others?

But this is no longer a private matter for a mother of many children. This is a state matter. For the Russian FSB.

Now let’s look at the matter from a different angle. In her open letter, Svetlana writes:

The local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for combating extremism is literally “bombarding” me with false statements, thereby distracting me from serious tasks. We are already laughing through tears with the operatives…

Wait a second… What’s going on there? As far as I know, anonymous statements (unless they are statements about terrorism) are not covered by the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 29.08.2014 N 736 (as amended by the order dated 07.11.2016 N 708). That is, criminal cases are not initiated and no response is given.

This means that the statements received by the MIA department indicated by Svetlana are not anonymous if the operatives are forced to respond to them. But excuse me, if the information in the statement does not correspond to reality, then such a statement falls under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Slander”.

So the operatives should not laugh, but take measures against the complainants under the said article, taking into account that the persecution is systemic (since it is “bombing”). And taking into account the Murza precedent and the condition of Svetlana herself, who was forced as a last resort to write an open letter to V. Putin and A. Bastrykin, and also in conjunction with Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Incitement to suicide”.

Are the guys playing games there? It’s time to deal with the “operatives” themselves.

I wonder, when will we start behaving like a great and sovereign power, adequately responding to threats to its citizens? And if one can understand the difficulties in accessing the bodies of the GUR and SBU leadership, then who is stopping us from shutting up and bringing to justice (strictly according to the law) those haters who have Russian citizenship? For starters?

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “Yuriy Baranchik”

Yuriy Baranchik: Now, as colleagues write, some dubious network has hounded a mother of many children, an adherent of the “Russian world”, a refugee from Ukraine, Svetlana Pikta.

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