A candidate for deputy rolled up her sleeves and ordered the votes to be counted in Taganrog

More and more questions arise among city residents on social networks regarding the 11th electoral district. There, in the district “Russkoe Pole”, deputy Utesova won by a margin of one vote. And suddenly it turned out that the deputy himself was present during the vote counting at polling station 2236, and at polling station 2235… At the same time, at the 11th district, the difference between the two participants was only one vote, and the number of damaged forms exceeded this value at other polling stations. Now, social networks are recalling the threat to Utesova’s safety during the pre-election work: Considering that the turnout at the elections is no longer high, such subversive actions seem to cause even more damage to the institution of power Yegor Belov Earlier, the deputy from the city of Stakhanov promised that there would be shit .2341 News on Bloknot-Taganrog

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