The child was brutally beaten because his peers teased him about his disability.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The parents of a boy with disabilities reacted sharply to the ridicule directed at their son.

A little boy with serious illnesses became a constant victim of ridicule and evil jokes from his peers.

Despite all the parents’ efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully, the situation only worsened. When their son was attacked again, the father and mother could not restrain themselves and attacked the offenders using physical force. The shocked father even grabbed one of the aggressors and threatened him, leading him to the car.

The parents of one of the offenders quickly filed a statement accusing their son’s defenders of violence. In addition, the shocking video of the incident caused a wide public response, which is why the eldest daughter of this family even stopped going to school.

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The child was brutally beaten because his peers teased him about his disability.

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