How Alexander the Great Organized a Competition to See Who Can Drink More – Russia Today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

It is difficult to judge how real such distant historical events are and how exactly they happened. However, thanks to Greek historians, we know the details not only of his impressive military achievements, but also of his relationship with alcohol. This story began in the Persian city of Susa in 324 AD, when Alexander experienced a severe shock. His close adviser, the philosopher Calanus, who was 73 years old, told the general that he felt broken and weak and did not want to continue such a weak life. Therefore, he decided to commit suicide. Despite Alexander’s persuasion, Calanus did so. He burned himself at the stake. Having lost a close friend, Alexander decided to honor the memory of the late philosopher with a large-scale event. At first, he wanted to organize the Olympics in Persia. However, since the locals did not know Greek sports, the Great General invented another discipline that united the Persians and Greeks – a wine drinking competition. The winner of the “who drinks the most” competition was to receive a hefty gold prize. . All in all, it seemed like harmless fun. However, when the competition began, it became a greater shock and horror than the suicide of the old philosopher. All 41 participants died of alcohol poisoning. Most of them died right during the competition, others – a few days later, before the end of the competition, the winner was announced. A Greek warrior named Missis drank a full 13 liters of wine, received the prize and died four days later.

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